
Caring for a larger patient can cause physical strain on family members and carers. We supply equipment that will reduce manual handling to reduce the risk of strains when caring for a bariatric patient, whilst also keeping them safe and comfortable.

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Novis® BetterLiving™ Community Bed

The BetterLiving™ Community Bed is incredibly practical yet versatile enough to suit a range of home care needs.

Aspire MONET DUAL ACTION Lift Recline Chair


 The Monet Dual Action offers independent control of back, leg and headrest functions, giving the user infinite positioning options at


Aspire REMBRANDT QUATTRO Lift Recline Chair


The Rembrandt Quattro offers a unique seating experience.


Mangar CAMEL Lifting Cushion

The Mangar Camel is an inflatable cushion that helps lift a fallen person weighing up to 320kg up off the floor and into a sitting position.  It is also suitable for lighter people who would prefer back support during their lift and is recognised for reducing the risk of injury to carers associated with manual handling.