Pride iGo Folding Power Wheelchair™
Front suspension Durable seating system Front suspension Large and secure storage compartment VR2 controller Lightweight lithium-ion batteries Quickly folds in
RothCare Lite Ryder Lightweight Folding Powerchair
Super lightweight carbon fibre frame that folds in one easy step for transportation.

Pride R-4 Rear Wheel Drive Power Wheelchair
The innovative R-4 offers the standard features necessary to meet the demands of daily life while delivering easy portability. The
Quantum Q6 Edge® HD Power Chair
The Q6 Edge® HD is engineered to meet the performance needs of the most active user. The Q6 Edge HD

Otto Bock B4 Power Tilt Wheelchair
Rear wheel drive for outdoor use – also great indoors Positioning belt standard Swing-away, height-adjustable armrests Heavy duty legrests with