Arjo EPS (Extra Postural Support) Sling for Sara Plus
Standing and raising aids enable residents/patients to be raised up from a bed, chair, toilet or wheelchair for transfer
Arjo Walking Sling for Sara Plus
Standing and raising aids enable residents/patients to be raised up from a bed, chair, toilet or wheelchair for transfer or

Arjo Standing Sling for Sara Plus
Standing and raising aids enable residents/patients to be raised up from a bed, chair, toilet or wheelchair for transfer or transportation.
Arjo Sling for Sara Flex | Sara 3000 | Sara Stedy
Fixed support belt SWL: 200kg Compliance ISO 10535:2006 Warranty 12 months Resources User Manual Active and Standing Sling Size Guide

ProSling Pivot General Purpose Sling with Head Support
The ProSling Pivot General Purpose with Head Support is a general purpose sling with pivot clip device providing good

ProSling Pivot Hygiene Sling
Easy fitting sling for toilet transfer Suits lifts from commode or profiled beds Increased positioning control Single attachment, reinforced nylon

ProSling Hygiene Sling
Easy fitting sling for toilet transfer Open area from mid back to mid thigh Weight capacity: 205kg – small and

Aspire Positioning Slide | Foot Operated
Easy patient maneuvering with minimal lift Foot strap threads through back of chair to assist the carer with positioning Machine

Aspire Swift Patient Mover
The Aspire Swift Patient Mover is a compact standing aid that facilitates standing and transfers in the home, community, and

Aspire Deluxe Padded Polyester Standing Clip Sling
The Aspire range of slings is designed to meet patient needs in hospital, the community, and aged care facilities. Manufactured

Aspire Deluxe Padded Polyester Standing Sling
The Aspire range of slings is designed to meet patient needs in hospital, the community, and aged care facilities. Manufactured

Aspire Deluxe Hammock Clip Sling with Head Support | Parasilk
The Aspire range of slings is designed to meet patient needs in hospital, the community, and aged care facilities. Manufactured