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Tens Cloth Electrode Replacement Pads


Flexible cloth topcoat that fits a variety of application sites Long-lasting .09mm thick hydrogel moulds comfortably to body contours Gel

Invacare CS8 Floorline Bed


The Invacare CS8 bed is an electrically actuated floor line care bed with a range of functions and positional movements that assist caregivers and provide for patient comfort.

Adjustable Cushion Equagel Rehab Hire

Adjustable Protector EquaGel® Cushion


Suits those who need a low-profile cushion Absorbs vibrations No valve or pump required Fluid resistant, vapour permeable, flame resistant

Arjo Minstrel Floor Lifter


Minstrel is the classic loop sling lifter for everyday transfer routines with dependent residents. Easy to understand and simple to

Invacare Leo Mobility Scooter


Easy to control and manoeuvre A compact mini scooter that can easily be dismantled for transport Smooth, safe drive Rear

Axiom G General Use Cushion


Pre-contoured shape Surface tension reducing to provide better immersion into the well The unique hexagonal foam shapes in the well


Icare Knee Cushion


Icare knee pillow is used to alleviate back, knee, leg, and hip pain by promoting correct spinal alignment.  This Cushion can


Icare Bed Stick with Safety Return


Provides the user support and stability, for getting in and out of bed, and for repositioning. Compatible with all Icare

Quickie® SR45 Tilt in Space Wheelchair

This wheelchair is a highly configurable product with many options and accessories.
Slipper Bed Pan

Aspire Slipper Bed Pan


Assists toileting of an immobile user whilst confined to bed Wedge shape assists in positioning pan Made of a moulded


Etac Hair Washer


Substitutes the fingers to apply shampoo and massage the scalp making it easier to reach the head without strain on


Drive Nitro Rollator


Made of durable aluminium Height-adjustable handles 25cm front wheels that make it easy to traverse over most obstacles and terrains