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Safe-Life Hardwired Bed Pad Kit | Facilities


Click here for Home Care option The monitor will notify care staff via nurse call system if the resident lifts

Axiom G General Use Cushion


Pre-contoured shape Surface tension reducing to provide better immersion into the well The unique hexagonal foam shapes in the well


ProSling Pivot General Purpose Sling with Head Support


  The ProSling Pivot General Purpose with Head Support is a general purpose sling with pivot clip device providing good


ProSling Pivot Hygiene Sling


Easy fitting sling for toilet transfer Suits lifts from commode or profiled beds Increased positioning control Single attachment, reinforced nylon


ProSling Hygiene Sling


Easy fitting sling for toilet transfer Open area from mid back to mid thigh Weight capacity: 205kg – small and


ProSling Hygiene Sling with Head Support


Open area from mid back to mid thigh for hygiene access Inbuilt head support for patients with less control Buckle

ProSling General Purpose Sling with Head Support


The ProSling General Purpose with Head Support is an easy fitting general purpose sling ideally suited for patients with less control.  Suits general lifting from the floor, bed or chair.  Versatile enough for general patient transfers, toileting or hygiene care.  Suitable for users up to 205 kilograms (Small and Medium) or 300 kilograms (Large, Extra Large, and Extra Extra Large).


ProSling General Purpose Sling


3 loop support strap system controls positioning of head and leg supports Brightly coloured handles and adjusters secured to sling

Age Prepare King Comfort Low Back Day Chair


Features and Benefits Designed with sculptured backrest for maximum support and comfort Height adjustable legs Upholstery: purchase – fabric or


Vicair® Strap Back Base


The Vicair® Strap back is a perfect base for Vicair® wheelchair back cushions.  The Strap Back is quickly installed and


Kelocote Silicone Scar Gel


Kelocote Silicone Scar Gel Kelo-cote® is a patented topical silicone gel for the management and prevention of abnormal scars in


PremiumLift Deluxe Footboard


Contemporary arched Classic French Grey footboard. Compatible with the PremiumLift Deluxe Floorline Bed. Stain resistant, allergy-proof and easy to maintain